From Oct 23,1999 to Apr 19, 2008

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Since May 4, 2015

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MAME for Digita, the first truly portable version of MAME, emulating Donky Kong and Doom for Digita running shareware Doom on a Kodak DC265 Digita OS based digital camera. MAME for the Sega Dreamcast video game console connected to a TV emulating Xevious.

Welcome to MAME, MESS & DOOM for Digita & Dreamcast or MAMED, MESSD & DOOMD.

MAMED & MESSD are based on the MAME and MESS projects, not for profit projects dedicated to preserving the history of arcade video games and computer systems by emulating the inner workings of the actual hardware. MAMED & MESSD achieve this by running the original program code found in the original hardware. As such, it is much more than a reproduction, it is essentially that same machine running via an emulated layer inside your digital camera or dreamcast console. To work, the emulator requires the ROMs of the original machines, which must be provided by the user. No portion of the code of the original ROMs is included in the executables available on this site. Please do not ask me for ROMs because I will not provide you with any of them or information as to where to find them. Also please do not bundle any ROMs with MAMED or MESSD because it would hurt the emulation community.

DOOMD is based on the origial source code to DOOM which was release for non-profit use in Decemeber 1997. It runs the origial WAD files that came with different versions of DOOM 1 & 2 including the shareware WAD file which includes the first levels of DOOM 1.

You will find the most current version of MAMED, MESSD & DOOMD on this site, along with information about upcoming versions and instructions on how to use them.

I would like to thank all the people who have contributed to the emulation and open source scene these past years. I have been a somewhat passive observer and enjoyer of emulation and open source projects and have always wanted to be a contributor so this is my contribution.


James Surine,

Digita OS is the Property of FlashPoint , Dreamcast is owned by Sega. No portion of this site shall be reproduced without the prior consent of the