DOOMD for Digita ReadMe

MAMED for Dreamcast ReadMe

1. How to install MAME or MESS for Digita:

On the DC290 you need at least version 1.0.4 of the camera firmware. You can download it from Kodak's web site here if you need to.

Put the mini MAMED.CAM or MESSD.CAM file and the MAME or MESS directory in the system folder of the compact flash. Please enable only the cpu, sound, and game or system drivers you are actually going to use because there is not enough memory to load them all. You can enabled or disable them by moving them in and out of their respective folders or by using the driver selection menu. On the DC220 you have very little RAM so you must load only one or two drivers at a time. I have included some separated drivers just in case you need to reduce memory requirements.

It's a lot of relocatable object code so you will probably need at least a 15MB card.

Now, put a Roms Folder in the System folder with all the roms inside you wish to use. Leave the game and system roms zipped the program will uncompress them for you. MESS system image files (carts, disks, etc.) must be uncompressed and have the correct file extensions in order to load them. The MESS filemanager defaults to a folder inside the roms folder with the same name as the system you are running.

Some people have reported problems using the Kodak USB camera mounting software to put the files and folders inside the System folder. You can use a card reader or laptop with a PCMCIA slot to mount the card and put files and folders on the compact flash card directly. Game ROM files can be in the System Folder with this version. Some people have reported sucess by dragging the completed folder to the mounted camera instead of creating one in the explorer window. Others have reported success using a script to make a folders. You could also unzip the file directly in the explorer window on the mounted camera as this appears to work as well. Macintosh uses need to use a card reader cause Kodak doesn't supply camera mounting software for the Macintosh.

Currently MAMED and MESSD supports almost all of the game and systems supported by MAME and MESS. But you cannot load all the game, system, sound and cpu drivers at once and still have enough RAM to actually run any of the games or systems, except for maybe pacman. Some games and systems take too much RAM to run anyways. The MESS drivers are new and just becoming stable so expect some problems using some of the MESSD systems.

A few of the sound and cpu drivers are required by many other drivers and are contained in the main mame.o and mess.o driver files and so do not appear as separate files in the driver folders. If a game or system will not run it may not have the required sound or cpu drivers, or it might just require too much RAM. I mark drivers that don't have all modules loaded correctly with ALL CAPS. You may be able to get some larger games and systems to run by reducing the number of game, system, sound and cpu drivers being loaded. Do not mix MAMED and MESSD driver files as they were compiled differently.

You might want to learn how to use MAMED & MESSD by first using MAME and MESS on your PC. You can experiment with operating the emulators a little more easily than you can inside the camera. I suggest running the emulator on the PC to figure out which cpu, sound, and system drivers are required, these appear on the first screen.

The Kodak cameras have a PPC 823 running a 66Mhz. It's about like a Powermac6100/66 but without a big processor cache. So expect the older games and systems to run well but the newer games and systems to run a bit sluggish. I get about 100% full speed with 20fps (every third frame) with sound on a DC290 playing Pacman. Most games are still very playable even when running at only 50% speed.

2. How to operate MAME and MESS for Digita inside the camera:

Launch the MAMED.CAM or MESSD.CAM alternate application from the applications menu in review mode menu in the Digita UI. It's all the way to the right so you have to scroll right one extra time to see this menu.

You can also rename the MAMED.CAM or MESSD.CAM application DEFAULT.CAM and it will launch when the camera is powered on and this flash card is inserted. (I run it this way since there isn't much room for pictures after I put a bunch of roms on the card)

Wait a while for it to load, load time is dependent on the number of drivers you are loading.

The main menu comes up and uses the built in MAME UI to display a list a MAME or MESS drivers built into this build and exist as roms on the compact flash. If no roms are found the list will be empty. When system/game drivers do not have all the correct cpu and sound driver modules enabled I display it with ALL CAPS and will not allow it to be run.

Use the up and down to scroll through the list. Left and Right will page up and down. Select the game or system you want to run by pressing the display button. This button is mapped to <enter>. If all goes well you will see the standard MAME/MESS warning and copyright page.

MESSD will present an addition menu to allow you to select system image files for use with the previously selected system. The type of the file is determined by the file extension so you must have your image files named correctly and they cannot be compressed. You can select as many system image files as you want when you are done select the blank line to continue. MESSD now has a built in file manager menu which will allow you to select any type of image anywhere on the card after loading the machine. I may remove my menu since this one is much nicer.

You can also access the game and system options menu by pressing the menu key while the game or system list is displayed and before a game or system is run. You can change an option by scrolling up and down and pressing the display button to change the selected option. Return to the game or system list by pressing the center softkey or the menu button again.

The driver module selection screen can be accessed by pressing the record button or the left softkey from the driver/system list. This will cycle through the game/system, cpu, and sound driver modules that are found in the enabled and disabled directories. use up and down to select and file and by pressing the overlay button will move the files in and out of the directories. Remember not to enable too many files or there will not be enough RAM to run the application.

Game or System options:
-Pad Orientation
Allows you to select which way is up with regards to the directional pad. It only is active when the game or system is running. The game or system select menu is alway orientated normally.
Allows you to select between low, medium, and high resolution. This is useful to be able to play games like rampage which use a high resolution screen. It is also useful to have enough pixels to display games rotated vertically and still be able to see all the pixels. You can use this feature when you connect the camera to a TV or monitor so you don't have to rotate it. The low resolution is good for Gamegear and gameboy which don't have much resolution. Note: I have yet to get any gameboy games to run yet, this driver is new.
-No Rotation
-Rotation Right
-Rotation Left
-Flip X
-Flip Y
These are all MAME options for display to adjust which way is up for game and system graphics. You can experiment to find which option works best for you for which game or system.
This enables sound MAME, but it can be disabled with the fake sound option.
This enables sound samples that are required for some ROMs. Place the samples in the samples folder inside the system folder. This can be disabled by the fake sound option.
-Fake Sound
This disables sound at the low level so MAME can think sound is running. Some ROMs require sound to be enabled to operate properly. This can be used to disable sound without affecting these ROMs.
Just put the artwork files in the artwork directory.
-CPU Slice Speedup
Some game drivers have exceeding high number of CPU context switches when they really don't require so many. This option reduces the number of context switches to exactly 1 per frame. This may not work on some driver and may crash others but on the few it does work on you can expect a dramatic speed boost. (try Xevious, Dig Dug and Galaga for example)
-Auto Rotate
Detect the orientation of the game and rotate the screen and directional to match.
-Dirty Rects
Dirty rects option allows the video code to only update the parts of the screen that have changed and can improve video performance. You can force this option on or off or only turn it on for drivers that support dirty rects.

After you select a game or system with the display button, press left and right to press 'OK'. Since there are no 'O' or 'K' buttons on the camera. Then the info screen will appear and you can press and key to start the game or system. Note: if you rotated the directional pad you will have to press left and right in the new direction.

To stop the game or system and go back to the main game or system list press the middle softkey. This is mapped to <esc>.

I would suggest adjusting the direction buttons before playing a game or system since it may be rotated. Do this from the MAME menu under adjust keys or before you start the game or system with the pad orientation setting. Good thing it's easy to rotate the monitor on a digital camera. If only I could do that on my full sized Xevious game.

Mamefront Keys:
Up, Down: scroll list
Left, Right: page list
Display: select game or system <enter>
Power: turns off power to the camera
Menu: options menu
Record or Left Softkey: driver module menu

MAME Keys:
Up,Down,Left,Right: Up, Down, Left, Right
Display: select <enter>
Menu: menu <tab>
Onscreen Menu: record <tilde or ~>
Left Softkey: player 1 <1>
Middle Softkey: exit <esc>
Right Softkey: insert coin <3>
Zoom In: player 1 button 1 <alt>
Zoom Out: player 1 button 2 <cntl>
Shutter 2: snapshot of the screen is saved to the flashcard
Power: turns off power to the camera, hold it down for a second

On the Minolta Dimage 1500 EX and HP C500 Photosmart the keys are slightly different.

Overlay maps to select <enter> instead of Display

Minolta Dimage 1500 EX
Overlay maps to select <enter> instead of Display
Status maps to player 1 button 1 <alt> instead of Zoom In
player 1 button 2 <cntl> is not mapped to any key

I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR BROKEN CAMERA if you play with it too roughly, be careful with your buttons.

Digita OS is the Property of FlashPoint , Dreamcast is owned by Sega. No portion of this site shall be reproduced without the prior consent of the